Monday 18 November 2013

Research: Film Openings

-Bedroom scene: Establishing shot/wide shot of bedroom
-Diagetic sound of ticking noise and off screen sounds within the film. The off screen sounds are fairly noisy which could suggest that this man lives in a city. Some of the noise is sirens which could also suggest crime(genre).
-The lighting is dark and the curtains are closed which suggests that it is night time. This is mysterious and the man on the bed seems vulnerable due to the lighting. 
-The lighting could possibly foreshadow an upcoming bad event
-The shot is filmed in the door frame of the bedroom (POV shot). This gives the feeling that someone is watching him and intruding in on his space. 
-The mise en scene links to the mans age and interests. The furniture looks basic and old, which could reflect his age. He also has a bookshelf with a lot of books which could suggests that he is a sophisticated, well educated man.

The Great Gatsby (2013) first opening 2 minutes
- The film begins with old fashioned music which instantly gives the audience an idea of which period the film is set in. However, it is uncertain so far on what the exact genre it is, whether it be romantic, tragic, drama etc.
-The first thing we see is a flashing green light surrounded in darkness. This is mysterious. The camera shot is zooming in on this green light and gradually we are able to see that there is a lake in between the camera and the light and that there are buildings where the light is coming from. The fact that the camera is zooming in on this light and the buildings is like inviting the audience to find out what is going on.
- There is a narration that begins, we don't know who it is though yet due to the camera shot still focusing on the flashing green light
- Suddenly it begins to snow, this is showing a time change. The light is still flashing though, suggesting that it always flashes no matter what.
-There is a theme of light and darkness because the darkness suddenly changes to light. This could foreshadow upcoming events.
-The camera shot switches to Nick and is a close up shot of him talking and the audience now know that he is the narrator.
-The non-diagetic music is mysterious and almost seems to reflect sadness.

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