Wednesday 4 December 2013

Research and Planning: First initial ideas for film opening.

In yesterday's lesson, as a group we all each contributed our ideas and brainstormed them to get a clearer picture. The main genres we decided we would like to do are going to be either romance or a thriller. We discussed story plots for both genres. We also took in to consideration different aspects such as locations and actors. It is extremely important that we organise this before we create our storyboard in order to know exactly where and what we must film to create a professional film opening. As we have discussed initial ideas now, we are all going to do further research such as looking at even more film openings that are appealing to what we want to do; also we will go and look at locations to see if they will be appropriate for our film opening. In order to make an effective opening we must film as professionally as we can, make sure we are organised and that we have good actors to film.

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