Tuesday 21 January 2014

Research and planning: Screenplay

BLACK SCREEN (non-diegetic music)

STRAIGHT CUT (non-diegetic music)

EXT. Jubilee River - DAY

Sunlight is reflecting on the river, silhouette of trees, sun in the sky

Tree tops with sky

Vanishing point of bridge 

White  sunlight glowing through the leaves with river in the background 


Hand lying on grass with sun glistening on bracelet 

Flashback/vision of bracelet being handed to Crystal (black and white format)
Eyes flickering with confusionFlashback/vision of her sister on the bridge 

Gradually getting up from the ground unstably near the river and bridge

Feet stumble on wet grass 

Hand in hair, looking around dazed with disorientation 

Walking towards the broken fence and climbing over, puzzled of her previous actions 


Walking away, looking around, quick glance at bridge 

Walks on to bridge and walks away.

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