Thursday 3 October 2013

Editing our preliminary task

In today's lesson, my group and I continued with editing our short film. We watched through all of our film footage to begin assembling a final piece (on Final Cut Pro). I noticed that continuity is extremely important in films, everything must be just right in each take in order for the scene to flow. We realized that our footage has continuity problems. This means that  we need to film certain parts again and this time make sure that they will have continuity. In order to make this work, we discussed and noted down the exact parts that we need to film again and how we would film them to produce good continuity. We also discussed how aspects such as lighting and clothing need to be exactly the same as in our other footage that we have. Another thing we need to include and show clearly is the 180 degree rule which we will be filming tomorrow. By taking all aspects in to consideration, this will hopefully help us to create a professional looking short film.

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