Thursday 3 October 2013

Setting and props in a film.

In Tuesday's Media lesson, we looked at analysing still images to see what the setting and props can communicate to the audience. The setting of a scene in a film is usually very detailed than that of a theatre.In terms of the process of film making, filmmakers can start and create their setting from scratch or an actual location can be found and altered if needed to suit the film. Props are also very important to the film as they can suggest the genre and time period of a film. For example if the film is set 70 years ago, the character may have a prop such as a type writer instead of a laptop which would be used in a modern day set period in a film. Props can suggest someones identity/job, for example a doctor would be in a setting which includes items which doctors use on a regular basis as part of their job. A key term that I learnt is 'incongruous', this means that something doesn't fit in with every thing else at all in a film.

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